News (Languages) Words on bronze hand may rewrite past of Basque language




  • Civis Illustris

  • Sacerdos Isidis

The discovery of five words inscribed on a 2,000-year-old bronze hand may help rewrite the history of the Basque language, one of Europe's most mysterious tongues.

Investigators in northern Spain said this week they discovered what they believe to be the oldest written record of a precursor to modern Basque, pushing back its earliest evidence to the first century B.C.

The Aranzadi Science Society, a Basque research institute, said the inscription was found on a flat piece of bronze shaped like a human hand that archaeologists unearthed last year. Researchers think it is the earliest known evidence of a written Vasconic language, a precursor to the Basque still spoken in parts of northern Spain and southwest France.

The discovery could challenge linguists' wide-held belief that the Vascones, an Iron Age tribe centered on territory that makes up Spain's modern Navarra region, only started writing in their language after the introduction of the Latin script by Roman invaders.

"This piece completely changes what we thought until now about the Vascones and their writing," said Joaquín Gorrochategui, professor of Indo-European Linguistics at the University of the Basque Country. "We were convinced that the Vascones didn't know how to read or write in antiquity and only used script for minting coins."

Terry S.


  • Aedilis

  • Patronus

Things like that give me hope that some day the lost books of Livy might be found.



  • Civis Illustris

  • Sacerdos Isidis

Things like that give me hope that some day the lost books of Livy might be found.
I'm wishing the same for the remains of possible ancient Dacian/Thracian/Illyric written texts. But that's just wishful thinking in my case.