Sermo Latinus Generalis (Anglice)
Discussion, in English, of matters related to the Latin language, or to Latin literature.
Haec Area ad sermonem Anglicum de Latinitate destinata est.
It's two years (well, minus a month -- tempus fugit, and all that) since I posted this link in my status, so I might as well do it again. As a site for discussions, games, etc., uncensored:
For any Sallust enthusiasts: A. J. Woodman is working on a Cambridge green and yellow for Bellum Catilinae that should be out next year. As he noted, it'll have been 40 years since Ramsey's commentary. He's mostly known for his work on Tacitus.
I actually had him as a professor for a class on Book XI of the Aeneid, which was my introduction to the epic. He was an awesome teacher.