Nec Tamen, nec vero..

puer brasilianus


  • Civis

Alicubi ex America
Nec tamen..
Nec vero..

I need the english equivalent to those so I can grasp their meanings..

Thanks in advance.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Bourgogne, France
I believe they're like tamen and vērō, except with nec before... :p They might be translated a whole variety of ways depending on context, but the basic meanings are nec vērō = but not, and nec tamen = however not/and yet not. For instance, taking examples from the textbook I use, with my literal translations:

Homō sex diēs cibō carēre potest, nec tamen fame moritur = Man can be deprived of food for six days, and yet not die from hunger. (even more literally: "and yet he doesn't die from hunger")
Neque tamen classis Rōmāna omnēs nautās quī ubīque nāvigant tuēri potest = However, the Roman fleet cannot protect all the sailors who navigate everywhere.

Mēdus surgere cōnātur, nec vērō sē locō movēre potest = Medus tries to get up, but he cannot move (from there).
Nōs quoque saepe interrogāmur, nec vērō prāvē respondēmus = We too are often interrogated, but we do not answer wrongly.
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