Give no shit, take no shit, and don’t die


New Member

My partner and I have four kids and we have a little family motto amongst us that we use.

we are getting our eldest a denim jacket with patches on it and we wanted to add the motto, with a crest we have designed. the language is a little fruity so we don’t want it in English so as not to offend anyone. So we thought Latin would be amazing!

the motto is “Give no shit, take no shit, and don’t die”

basically, don’t push people around and have a bad attitude, don’t let anyone push you around or talk to you in a rude way, and don’t die.

would really appreciate knowing what this might be.

thanks so much in advance!



  • Aedilis

Unfortunately that kind of highly idiomatic language is often hard to translate satisfactorily. We could convey a similar idea in Latin, but it would't have the same tone—it would be "don't provoke or let yourself be provoked" or some rewording along those lines. "Give shit" and "take shit", translated literally into Latin, wouldn't mean anything beyond the literal meanings of the words "give", "take" and "shit"; and there aren't any equivalent, similarly vulgar Latin expressions that I know of.
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  • Aedilis

Some (of course imperfect ideas):

Noli molestus esse, noli ferre molestos, noli mori = don't be annoying, don't tolerate annoying people, don't die.

Noli facere nec ferre contumeliam, noli mori = don't give or tolerate an insult, don't die.