Experience by living, learning by doing.


New Member

I am hoping to get an accurate translation of the following:

"Experience by living, learning by doing."

The end use of this, would be on a crest of sorts, for an educational organization that celebrates the value of lived experience and hands-on immersion over (or as much as) classroom learning. Environmentally, the phrase would be laid out alongside/around the design elements of a crest-like logo which would live on a website.

So think of this being used in the same ways that many American universities and colleges use their Latin mottos.

I also understand that the way I've written the English version of this, that it's a bit clunky and...tagline-like. Which is sort of the idea, but I am not attached to the specific prepositions, more that the idea transmitted is clear and accurate.

Many thanks in advance for the help on this!



  • Civis Illustris

I also understand that the way I've written the English version of this, that it's a bit clunky and...tagline-like.
I mean, you've got a classic rhetorical figure (more specifically a 'chiasm'); the only problem, if you could call it that, is the stylistic no-no of using a plain noun ('experience') and then a verbal noun or 'gerund' ('learning'). But that's no problemo in Latino, hermano.

Agrippa's suggestion is excellent not only because it retains your grammatical chiasm (& adds to it a semantic level, the equivalence of doceo/disco 'teach/learn'), but it personalizes the message, making it sound less clinical &, as you say, tagline-like. A motto implies a group, and, well, there's no 'I' in 'team'.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Just writing ad musas... there was once a guy called Cicero, who wrote Usus magister est optimus - Experience is the best theacher; which one could even shorten to Optimus Magister Usus
Also another genuine latin "usus magister egregius" - experience, (the) excellent teacher

Imho these sentences capture the whole sentiment which OP wishes to express, also it's genuine classical composition....