Decretum Gratiani

Hello! I am having trouble with these paragrahps of the Decretum Gratiani.

Moises amicus Dei, cui facie ad faciem locutus est Deus, potuit utique successores principatus filios suos facere, et posteris propriam relinquere dignitatem; sed extraneus de alia tribu eligitur Iesus, ut sciremus, principatum in populos non sanguini deferendum esse, sed uitae.

Ac nunc cernimus plurimos hanc rem beneficium facere, ut non querant eos in ecclesia columpnas erigere, quos plus cognoscant ecclesiae prodesse, sed quos uel ipsi amant, uel quorum sunt obsequiis deliniti, uel pro quibus maiorum quispiam rogauerit.

My first question is how plurimos (plural) can modify beneficium (singular).
My second question is how should I understand the non, since it seems to be in the wrong place, because it is obvius that what the Decretum wants is that in ecclesia columpnas erigere those who ecclesiae prodesse, not those who are loved by the electors, etc.

Thank you so much for your help!
And greetings from Argentina



  • Aedilis

The matter is benefiting many people.
No, that's not the idea at all. Plurimos is the subject of facere.

There appear to be several readings of this passage:

Electio F (

With hanc rem, the sense would be something like "we see a great many people turn this matter into a favor (that they do to the people they like)."
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  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo