"there is no looking back" or even "no regret




yet ANOTHER translation question for a tattoo..

i've tried translating myself with the help of dictionaries and grammar aids, and whatnot, but i'm pretty sure i'm coming up wrong.

i would like the phrase "there is no looking back" translated to latin; and not to mean literally turning around and looking behind you. more like there is no time to look back toawrds the past, if that makes sense. or even something along the lines of "no regrets." these are what i came up with:

"illic est haud vultus tergum" and "haud desiderium"

any help would be greatly appreciated! :)


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
Neither of those make sense. I don't quite know how the first one can be done, but the second can be done in a few ways:
nihil me paenitet.
This means "I regret nothing" or "I am sorry for nothing." This is a more natural way of saying this in Latin, but the following makes sense too:
nulla paenitentia
This simply means "no regret."



I'm not quite sure about "There's no looking back" ... maybe:

Non est respiciendum
(directly: one must not look back)