You know you're a Latin junkie when...




  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
I saw the announcement of the new Apple Prores screen the other day and thought, "Seriously?"



  • Aedilis

The mistake is apparently an ancient one!

Gregorius Textor

Animal rationale

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

Ohio, U.S.A.
On Epiphany morning, as you are singing "What Child Is This" (tune: Greensleeves), you begin to think about how it would go in Latin. You recognize that many of the words are within your Latin vocabulary. By the end of the song, you have worked out "Hic, hic est Christus Rex" as the first line of the refrain.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

On Epiphany morning, as you are singing "What Child Is This" (tune: Greensleeves), you begin to think about how it would go in Latin. You recognize that many of the words are within your Latin vocabulary. By the end of the song, you have worked out "Hic, hic est Christus Rex" as the first line of the refrain.
Making lyrics fit well or relatively well is a good pastime.

One day I thought about how to fit the famous chorus of "What is love?" in Latin.

Quid amor?
Mel, ne me laedas
ne laedas
iam non.

Gregorius Textor

Animal rationale

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

Ohio, U.S.A.
On Epiphany morning, as you are singing "What Child Is This" (tune: Greensleeves), you begin to think about how it would go in Latin. You recognize that many of the words are within your Latin vocabulary. By the end of the song, you have worked out "Hic, hic est Christus Rex" as the first line of the refrain.
And it keeps running through your head until you come up with a translation of the first verse. I actually completed this in two or three days, but became distracted with other things and forgot to share it until now.