"Remission" of sins


New Member

I don't know the first thing about Latin but I'm trying to understand the use of words/phrases, historically, that are often translated in English as the "remission of sins."

I found this on the etymology of the word "remission": https://etymologeek.com/eng/remission

It seems to suggest "remitto" evolved into "remissionem". Is that an accurate way of understanding this and does anyone know if that's the case or are these just different forms of the same word?

In conducting the following searches on the words, it does appear to me that the writings that are returned for "remitto" are older (dating to BC).

In reading the Wikipedia article on Latin, it suggests there was a lot of variation/evolution in the language over time. I pulled this summary from that article:

Old Latin (before 75 BC)
Classical Latin and Vulgar Latin (75 BC to the 3rd century, distinctions between societal classes)
Late Latin (3rd century to the 9th century)
Medieval Latin (9th century to the Renaissance)
Renaissance Latin (14th and 15th centuries)
New Latin (~1500 - 1800)
Contemporary Latin (in use since the end of the 19th century and the basis for Ecclesiastical Latin, which is the official language of the Catholic Church)



  • Aedilis

Remitto is a verb meaning "I send back" or "I let go" etc., and later "I forgive/remit (sins)". (See: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0059:entry=remitto)

From that verb came the noun remissio, meaning "a release" etc. and "pardon", "remission (of sins)". (See: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=remissio&fromdoc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0059)

Latin nouns take different endings depending on the grammatical function they play in a sentence. One of those forms is called the accusative. Remissionem is the accusative (singular) form of remissio. Most nouns in the Romance languages (the languages that are descended from Latin) are based on the old accusative forms. In Old French, remissionem became remission. Then the word was borrowed into English.