Peter Raeburn, Celebrare


New Member

Peter Raeburn's composition 'Celebrare'


is the backing for the Smirnoff 'Sea' advert.

As best as I can make out, the words go something like this...
hoc ravi sta bora tora
summa tora visca tora
e validus sum boca mare
nec vis ulla est comparare

hoc ravi sta bora tora
et in profunda bipagare
unde collo pulchritate
afer ande duritate

hic ego sum, sum bolus mari
effulges tempus desinare
omne luce salutare
nunc est tempus celebrare

hic ego sum, sum bolus mari
hic ego sum, pari sum
Anyone like to tidy it up and give a translation?

Best regards,



New Member

hoc - this, these
ravi - greyish, tawny
sta - stand
bora (bura?) - plow beam
tora (tura?) - frankincense
summa - greatest
visca - make sticky

The first two lines are doubtful and might be

tocra vistabor at ora
sum at ora visc at ora

I will be visited by Tocra but yet I pray
I am but yet I pray, I wish but yet I pray


New Member

Slightly improved transcription:

pulchra vistabor at ora
sum at ora vis at ora
e validus sum pulchra mare
nec vis ulla est comparare

pulchra vistabor at ora
et in profunda bipagare
unde collo pulchritate
afer ande duritate

hic ego sum, sum bolus mari
effulges tempus desinare
omne luce salutare
nunc est tempus celebrare

hic ego sum, sum bolus mari
hic ego sum, pari sum