I want to make a paid translation request so I made a donation but still seem unable to post there.
I am hoping to get a couple of pages of Mundus Subterraneus translated from latin to english. In particular, from the second paragraph of page 80 up to Corollarium on page 83, which starts on pg. 130 of the pdf file here: https://archive.org/stream/mundussubterrane00unse#page/n129/mode/2up
I want to make a paid translation request so I made a donation but still seem unable to post there.
I am hoping to get a couple of pages of Mundus Subterraneus translated from latin to english. In particular, from the second paragraph of page 80 up to Corollarium on page 83, which starts on pg. 130 of the pdf file here: https://archive.org/stream/mundussubterrane00unse#page/n129/mode/2up