Only Love Is Real


New Member

My partner used to have something engraved with "nihil verum nisi mors" which I understand translates to something similar to only death is real.

I'm hoping to get his wedding band engraved with a similar but more positive sentiment.

Is anyone able to translate a phrase similar to "only love is real"?


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Nihil verum nisi amor- nothing is true except love
Amor solus est verus/ amor solus verus -love alone is true
Amor solus est veritas- love alone is truth

Wait for someone else to comment, I may be wrong.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

I would personally incline toward: [certa/solida] res est
e.g. Amor modo [certa/solida] res est - Only love is a true thing
certa - true as without doubts
solida - true as being substantial


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Massachusetts, USA
A late inspiration, with proper credits to Adrian's and Notascooby's suggestions:

unica res non ficta est amor.

The one thing not contrived is love. = Only love is real.