This man is quite brilliant indeed.
Curiouser and curiouser: his affiliation with Bristol is through -- get this -- neuroscience. He is a "Visiting Research Associate" in a lab there:
Whoa. Take a look at this:
He's been trying to get his "theory" published for a year and a half!
But surely Cheshire's paper reaches unusual heights (or lows)? Surely...?When I read nonsensical papers like this (and I can assure you that this is not an outlier, because there are plenty more of them out there)
Don't people do post-docs?The mostest highest.
So, they eventually noticed it was nonsense. There is hope yet.Seems Bristol has pulled their official announcement. From Google:
May: Voynich manuscript | News | University of Bristol
1 day ago - Although the purpose and meaning of the manuscript had eluded scholars for over a century, it took Research Associate Dr. Gerard Cheshire ...
Which, if you follow the link, leads to "Page Not Found".
Here's the list, if anyone is wondering: was able to pass through the review of I know not how many brilliant people with dazzling titles
So, they eventually noticed it was nonsense. There is hope yet.
Now I feel bad for Cheshire, if he was serious about it.
I suppose we're all at risk of it in our own way. Catullus has some words of wisdom on the subject:I hope I never get so delusional....