My family is my strength and weakness. Through them I rise, and only through them shall I fall


New Member

Hi all,

I tried searching for this for a tattoo I want to add this phrase onto and was unable to find it. I tried google translate, but that comes up a little sketchy at times so thought I would ask for help on here for this phrase in latin:

My family is my strength and weakness. Through them I rise, and only through them shall I fall


Homo Sapiens

  • Civis Illustris

in orbe lacteo
Sorry we didn't respond quicker. Anyway, I might say:
domus mea et fortitudinem et infirmitatem mihi affert. Per eam surgo, cadamque per eam solam.

However there are several tricky things that are hard to render in Latin (a langauge very different from English), so you should wait for someone else to confirm this translation or suggest a better one.