Music in the blood




dear all,
I am chasing a nice latin quote to symbolise my love for music.

I have found Musica delenit bestiam feram, which i believe translates to Music soothes the savage beast.

I would also like "music in the blood" translated and if possible the correct script for both.

I know - sounds corny and yes its for a Tattoo. Love your help


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Urbs Panamae
Music soothes/charms the wild animal, indeed.

Music in the blood would be Musica in sanguine.

How about: Musica in venis meis, which is music in my veins.

Since this is for a tattoo, here's my own disclaimer, in addition to the one from the Forum: I could be wrong and it is your responsability what you get permanently scribbled in your body.

I would suggest until other members of the Forum answer.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
All of the above are correct.



  • Consularis

T2R6WELS, Maine, USA
1. Just looking at the English for a moment: I've long wondered where the saying about music and the beast came from. The first line of William Congreve's The Mourning Bride (1697) is "Music has charms to soothe a savage breast." Breast, with an r.

2. No quarrel with the Latin.



  • Consularis

Chicago, IL
Iynx dixit:
1. Just looking at the English for a moment: I've long wondered where the saying about music and the beast came from.
It seems to me this corruption of Congreve's quote came from cartoons; on more than one occasion a cartoon uses someone playing an instrument to calm a raging monster, or the Tazmanian devil, or somesuch (I also seem to remember Bugs Bunny using this exact quote with "beast" in a similar situation).