Languages We Speak



  • Princeps Senatus

Welcome to the forum Harry:)
Harry dixit:
...I've just finished an Open University introductory course in Spanish.
We have Open University in Canada too. I had a friend who took first semester of Spanish there too.

I personally find distance language courses quite difficult. But of course it can be even more difficult to find time to attend an actual class...

Sa Seba


  • Consularis

Lets wish for spring all together! [-o<

We don't really get under zero here in van, but close to it + rain pretty much all the time. :roll:


New Member

Sa Seba dixit:
here in van,
Is this Vancouver?

We made a trip to Victoria while we were in Washington State a couple of years ago, and we've pencilled in a trip for next year, taking the Rocky Mountaineer from Vancouver, then driving a rental car back from Calgary.

Sa Seba


  • Consularis

yab, Vancouver, BC.

So, you have been in Victoria? Nice!
If you ever get there again, don't miss out the Bug Zoo, especially if you feel uncomfortable with insects. You might just lose your fear right there and then ;)


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

I took a trip to Vancouver about four years ago, by train from Toronto



  • Princeps Senatus

You've been to Vancouver? How long did you stay here? And what did you see?



  • Princeps Senatus

sir_william_86 dixit:
lol :lol: ......O well If you got a B-, you still got an E for effort. Gotta love those crappy american sayings \:D/
Thanks. I feel so much better :)
Still, I am sticking to european languages since that time.

sir_william_86 dixit:
\:D/ This little dancing guy is awesome. by the way.
I know! I love these two: :poke:


New Member

:mrgreen: I'm not too sure what this guy is but he's cool and looks like he should have been in resevoir dogs.

Well sticking to european languages sounds fun. Just try not to stick too hard.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

I stayed in Vancouver for one day, after a three day journey by train. Coming from the uk I had no idea how big your country was but I had a train ticket to go anywhere in a month. I have friends in Toronto so I stayed with them for most of the time.

Sa Seba


  • Consularis

Happy birthday then! =D>


Vemortuicida strenuus

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

Polish is my native language, but I have learnt French and German while in Belgium for four years in grammar school, then English in the States (which is currently my second language). While studying in Warsaw these past four years I took Italian, but never really felt an affinity for it, even though it's the direct descendant of Latin. As for Latin, well, I'm still learning, and hopefully one day I'll be fluent in it as I am in my native tongue and English.


New Member

English and some Spanish; I keep returning to Spanish but am still a long way from fluency. I did 2 years GCSE French without learning a sentence! I have also had a failed attempt at Japanese (I think I will stick with the Euros as well).

I have only done Latin for four months; I am fluent if your conversation is limited to ‘Caecilius’ being in his ‘horto’ and the canine ’in mensa’.

I wouldn’t mind learning Ancient Greek one day. Reading Homer in his original language must be incredible.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Águas Santas
Lately I've been asked by Matteus if I know some Polish, and I think I'd better answer right here.

Actually, I speak only Russian because I can't speak any other language to any of my friends. :D No matter how much mistakes in English I possibly make I am understood at this forum (what is really surprising). I've been self-teaching German for a few years and I know it good enough to study my favourite referece books of Latin synonyms. Still I think that oral communication in English or German would be hard for me. :mrgreen: And some time ago I spent a while over a textbook of Polish. Nunc quidem multorum oblitus sum! I took up some other languages as well, but those attempts are not worth mentioning.

Credo me die quodam non pejus Latine scire quam hodie Anglice scio. 8)


Vemortuicida strenuus

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

Etiam, Quase, assiduus et bono animo sis oportet, si rem eo perducere velis, ut bene Anglice Latineque loquaris. :D