Just encountered a weird one while reading Rigveda 1.58. The line is adressed to the fire-god Agni:
"When thirstily you rage like a bull among the trees, thy way is black, o ageless Agni, wave-bright."
The sense of it is presumably "shining like waves", or "whose waves are shining". The Sanskrit is rušad-ūrmi, from PIE *lewk- L luceo and *Hwel-, cf. R волна.
edit: for any interested
"When thirstily you rage like a bull among the trees, thy way is black, o ageless Agni, wave-bright."
The sense of it is presumably "shining like waves", or "whose waves are shining". The Sanskrit is rušad-ūrmi, from PIE *lewk- L luceo and *Hwel-, cf. R волна.
edit: for any interested