Little experiment: let's take a few of the last translation requests we've had, and see what those op's would have gotten if they'd gone to google translate instead of here:
The fallen know but one challenge, and that is to rise once more.
Scire autem contradictione quod cecidit, et rursus ad surgendum est.
Approximate attempt at "translation" of what that """"means"""": To know however by the counter-argument that he/she fell, and that he/she is again in order to rise.
Her heart was a secret garden and the walls to it were very high.
Occulta cordis eius quasi hortum altissimo muro.
The hidden things of her heart are like (a garden I guess, but how to translate an accusative here) with a high wall.
Trust no one. Numbers are the truthful lover.
Neminem crede. Numeri sunt veraci amante.
Entrust no one. Numbers are with a truthful lover.
It is not the destination, but the journey that counts.
Destinatio non est nisi istud iter.
There is no purpose except that journey.
I have a cat it my pants. It is on fire.
Habeo feles in mea Braccae. Est in ignem.
I have cats into my things, pants. It is into a fire.
Accept what you cannot change, embrace the future.
(Wow, the first part is right! But the amplecti futurum changes everything...)
Accipite quod mutari non potest amplecti futurum.
Accept that to embrace the future cannot be changed (I guess... or accept that to change cannot embrace the future).
I am your sword, I am your shield.
Gladius tuus sum ego protector tuus sum.
I am your sword I am your protector.
When you play a game of thrones, you win or you die.
Lusum cum Thronorum invenies aut mori.
When you shall find a game of thrones or to die.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
Non cadit in maxima gloria, sed quoties ortum occasum.
It doesn't fall in the greatest glory, but each time it has arisen to fall.