Do not use machine translators for Latin.
Please DO NOT post results of these translators in our forum.
DO NOT post their output and ask what they mean. It is impossible to know.
DO NOT post them as an alternative translation. They are gibberish.
DO NOT use them to check a translation you have been given. It is insulting and you will be flamed.
YES This rule does apply to you. If you break this rule, your thread may be locked or deleted.
You are better off just providing what you would like translated in English. Pretending that these translations are the result of your 'research' makes you look pretentious and foolish.
If you have tattooed yourself with one of these translations, and you would like confirmation that it is wrong, you may post to this thread. We will leave any mistranslations on the thread to serve as a warning to others.
Some threads with examples of mistranslations can be found THREAD: #2527, THREAD: #3460.
You can see some examples of celebrities with garbled machine translations tattooed upon themselves here and here, as well as some external links discussing gibberish Latin tattoos:
On similarly unfortunate note, some discussion of deliberate mistranslations posted on the internet can be found here.
There is some discussion of Google's Latin translation service here. The quality is certainly better than the previous alternative. Instead of a series of semi-random words, it looks like a translation provided by someone who failed Latin badly. In fact it is unable to correctly translate even the most basic exercises from beginners' Latin textbooks.
Caveat compuncturus. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Please DO NOT post results of these translators in our forum.
DO NOT post their output and ask what they mean. It is impossible to know.
DO NOT post them as an alternative translation. They are gibberish.
DO NOT use them to check a translation you have been given. It is insulting and you will be flamed.
YES This rule does apply to you. If you break this rule, your thread may be locked or deleted.
You are better off just providing what you would like translated in English. Pretending that these translations are the result of your 'research' makes you look pretentious and foolish.
If you have tattooed yourself with one of these translations, and you would like confirmation that it is wrong, you may post to this thread. We will leave any mistranslations on the thread to serve as a warning to others.
Some threads with examples of mistranslations can be found THREAD: #2527, THREAD: #3460.
You can see some examples of celebrities with garbled machine translations tattooed upon themselves here and here, as well as some external links discussing gibberish Latin tattoos:
On similarly unfortunate note, some discussion of deliberate mistranslations posted on the internet can be found here.
There is some discussion of Google's Latin translation service here. The quality is certainly better than the previous alternative. Instead of a series of semi-random words, it looks like a translation provided by someone who failed Latin badly. In fact it is unable to correctly translate even the most basic exercises from beginners' Latin textbooks.
Caveat compuncturus. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.