sed narra mihi, Gai, rogo, Fortunata quare non recumbit?' 'quomodo nosti' inquit 'illam' Trimalchio 'nisi argentum composuerit, nisi reliquias pueris diviserit, aquam in os suum non coniciet.''atqui' respondit Habinnas 'nisi illa discumbit, ego me apoculo' et coeperat surgere, nisi signo dato Fortunata quater amplius a tota familia esset vocata.
I'm not too sure how to translate the 'nisi' in bold? Would 'except' or 'only' work (this is a translation the L&S suggests, but it says after a negative or interrogative clause...)?
I'm not too sure how to translate the 'nisi' in bold? Would 'except' or 'only' work (this is a translation the L&S suggests, but it says after a negative or interrogative clause...)?