Biblia Sacra Johannem Froben De Hammelburck 27 Iunius 1491


New Member

Bogota, Colombia
Hello to all: I have an old Bible that I am having professionally repaired and restored and would like to have inscribed on the binding the date, publisher, etc. Would this be the correct format and spelling? Would the day and year be best and correct in latín numbers? I appreciate and thoughts and suggestions! I am attaching photos of the Bible, the colophon where the date and publisher are mentioned, and a photo of other bindings. With all good wishes!

Biblia Sacra Johannem Froben De Hammelburck 27 Iunius 1491


New Member

Bogota, Colombia
Just to clarify.......this is the phrase that I am wanting to have printed on the restoration......"""""Biblia Sacra

Johannem Froben De Hammelburck

27 Iunius 1491""""""


Sīmia Illūstris

  • Censor

It is very beautiful and thank you for the pictures! I have never touched a book that old.

How did you figure out it should be "Johannem" (I hope not like this) and the rest of the translation?*

It is, unfortunately, wrong, it is, in some parts, ungrammatical and doesn't make much sense, you also haven't informed us what it should really mean. But, given the context, I suppose it is supposed mean "Sacred Bible of Johannes Froben..."?

*the thing is, we do not expect people asking us for translations, to have any deep knowledge of Latin (or sometimes any knowledge of Latin at all), but it sends a wrong message when one runs the thing through an electronic translator and then asks us if it's correct... it is very very frustrating in the least. No, it is never correct in such case, it is a waste of time to use it and post it to experts in the field.


Cívis Illústris

  • Civis Illustris

Godmy, I think jovopham is innocent of using machine translators, but has simply excerpted it from the sentence shown in the colophon (Explicita est biblia praesens Basilee(?) summa lucubratione per Johannem froben de Hammelburck. Anno nonagesimoprimo supra Millesimum quaterquecentesimum die vero vicesimaseptima Junii.)



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
Assuming Godmy's surmise as to the meaning is correct
Biblia Sacra Johannis Froben De Hammelburck 27 Iunii 1491